The following Ministries are taking place at St Brides West Kilbride parish.
Faith Formation....... through Discipleship, Prayer Services, Retreats and Evangelisation.
Liturgy....... through Readers, Alter Servers, Welcomers, Pass Keepers, Ministry Rota,Thematic Posters, Eucharistic Ministers and Flowers.
Communities....... through working with organisations such as SVDP and CHANA, organising social events, Alter decoration, after-Mass teas and kitchen services, Church cleaning and Christmas Church decoration.
Youth and Families....... through children liturgies, preparation for the Sacraments and specific activities for young people.
Communications....... via Parish Bulletins, Website and Noticeboards.
Property....... via caretaking, heating and electrical maintenance, ground maintenance and general repairs.
Finance....... via mass collections, book keeping and wider Diocesan liaison.